I AM the Light of the World

         What would the world be like without light? How would we live? Could we live? In all honesty, without light we would all be dead. Despite the fact that no light would mean no heat and we would all freeze to death, we also would soon die merely because we couldn't see to do anything. You could easily stumble into all kinds of things, be it a canyon, a lions mouth, or a giant blender. Light is essential to life. Wherever there is light, it overcomes the darkness. As humans, we rely on light for almost everything in our day to day life.
         So what is Jesus claiming when He claims "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." (John 8:12) He is claiming to be our saviour, our saviour from the darkness of human life. He's claiming that without Him, we would be dead; that He is essential to have a full life. However, with that He also promises that He will overcome darkness.
        What should that really mean to us though, that in the midst of the darkness of this world Jesus came to be a light? Well, He isn't promising to give you a prosperous life, filled with good things, or to take away everything bad in your life. In actuality, what He promises is a life full of Him, the light. A life with Him means you won't daily walk in the grunge and dark of this world, but no matter your circumstances, you are able to be surrounded by the light of Jesus and given peace in any situation. It means that He is able to and will pull you out of the darkness in which you lived prior to knowing Him. A Life with the light means a life to the full.
      In Isaiah 42:6-7, Isaiah gives a prophecy concerning the coming light of the world.
"I am the Lord; I have called you in righeousness;
I will take you by the hand and keep you;
I will give you as a covenant for the people,
A light for the nations,
To open the eyes that are blind,
To bring out the prisoners from the dungeon,
From the prison those who sit in darkness."


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